Datasets Search 4 datasets Open Street Map for Alameda 2xzip Bicycle Routes Oakland bicycle infrastructure including parking spots, routes, signage. Data from 4xjson5xkml6xzip Liquor Stores 2012 Liquor sale licenses with location, name and license types- check the metadata file for info on the license types- 20 and 21 are off-sales. 1xcsv1xzip EBMUD Meter Locations 1xzip Members surrogatekey wroscoe Frankie bayreporta rik 1 of 2next › more About 25 Datasets
Bicycle Routes Oakland bicycle infrastructure including parking spots, routes, signage. Data from 4xjson5xkml6xzip
Liquor Stores 2012 Liquor sale licenses with location, name and license types- check the metadata file for info on the license types- 20 and 21 are off-sales. 1xcsv1xzip