This version captures Oakland Police Department data for the period 2007 - October, 2016. The number of unique case IDs (NCID) is 592485 and the number of indicents associated with these (NIncid) is 744751. 93% of the case records have been geo-coded.
Further details regarding the datamodel underlying this data set, its provenance, and a crime classification build over it, are available here.
Data formatThree formats are available: (23 MB, zipped) comma separated with a header line showing these fields:
Idx, OPD_RD, OIdx, Date, Time, CType, Desc, Beat, Addr, Lat, Long, Src, UCR, Statute, CrimeCat (22.8 MB zipped) JSON for a dictionary
cid ==> [date,time,beat,addr,lat,long, [ctype,desc,src,ucr,statute,cc]+ ] (38 MB zipped) a SqlLite database created via
CREATE TABLE INCIDENT (incididx int, rd text, date text, beat text, addr text, lat real, long real)
CREATE TABLE CHARGE (chgidx int, rd text, rdchgidx int, ctype text, desc text, src text, ucr text, statute text, crimeCat text)