Datasets Search 5 datasets OUSD Staffing Includes non-identifiable data about our active employees, including bargaining unit, ethnicity, age, zip code, and hire date. 1xcsv Early Childhood Services OUSD Head Start locations and Oakland CDC sites. 1xxlsx1xcsv OUSD Asthma Oakland Unified School District School Year 2010-2011 Percentage of Students with Asthma by Census Tract. 1xzip1xcsv Oakland Unified Schools 1xzip2xxlsx OUSD - Measure G Parcel Tax Expenditures This data is actual spending of Measure G parcel tax funds. It's maintained by the Track G team. 6xxlsx1xcsv Members surrogatekey wroscoe Frankie bayreporta rik 1 of 2next › more AboutEducation resources and outcomes 7 Datasets
OUSD Staffing Includes non-identifiable data about our active employees, including bargaining unit, ethnicity, age, zip code, and hire date. 1xcsv
OUSD Asthma Oakland Unified School District School Year 2010-2011 Percentage of Students with Asthma by Census Tract. 1xzip1xcsv
OUSD - Measure G Parcel Tax Expenditures This data is actual spending of Measure G parcel tax funds. It's maintained by the Track G team. 6xxlsx1xcsv